1. All hosted battles are FREE.
2. Everybody wears eye goggles during games or when observing games. Sun glasses don't count. Goggles should seal around the eyes with no space left for a BB to sneak in. Any goggles not designed specifically for airsoft will be tested before you are allowed to use them.
3. Play begins when openly declared "Begin" and ends when declared "Game over." During the game, non-combatants may happen through our playing field. When this happens the code word "civilian" will be called out to call a seize fire. When this happens the game is paused. There is no shooting, changing location or zeroing in sights while civilians are passing through. Game resumes when "civilian clear" is called. Eye goggles stay on the entire duration of the game. Feel free to take them off in between games. Please no shooting when not in a game.
4. All guns used in games have to have their orange tips. This rule won't apply when playing in airsoft parks. When however playing in any location not specifically sanctioned for the purpose by official channels, let's keep our games legal and therefore continuing.
5. If you are shot, you are out. Regardless of where on your body you are hit. Call out "Hit" and stand up with your gun up over your head and walk off the playing field or to a respawn point depending on the game specifics. You'll be brought back to life for the next game. We sometimes implement a
Medic Rule which will be declared before the game. A hit to the gun does not count and you can continue play. There is no shooting at hit combatants walking off the field. Hit combatants are not allowed to provide reconnaissance information to their teammates. Be honest please. It will be more fun for everybody.
6. The muzzle velocity limit for these battles is 550FPS. Unless otherwise stated.
7. There are no limitations on the type of equipment you use. As long as you're not bringing actual explosives, pretty much anything goes. Land mines, night vision goggles, automated sentry guns, a tank if you can afford one, whatever. Any vehicle you bring cannot be "invincible" and must have the possibility of being shot down.
8. Special requirement for minors. Anybody under 16 should bring a letter from their parents giving permission to participate including their parent's signature and phone number.
9. You play at your own risk.Enjoy.
Battle OrganizersGuru - 760-893-0287
O-Dog - 858-231-2838
Get lost on the way to a battle? Save our numbers in advance so you can give us a call and get you back on track.
Feel free to call and ask questions. We're happy to answer.
LocationsClick on the highlighted title for a map and directions.
The Forest in Poway
14801 Midland Rd
Poway, CA 92064
We meet in the parking lot to the west of the Poway Adult School. The actual battle will take place in the patch of trees to the north of our meeting place.
Foundation in San Marcos
400 Echo Ln
San Marcos, Ca 92078
We meet in the parking lot behind the Lowe's located on San Marcos blvd & Grand Ave. The actual battle will take place In the forest area half a mile south of our meeting place.
Vietnam Jungle in Vista
1588 Grapevine Ln
Vista, CA 92083
We meet in the parking lot at the end of Grapevine Ln, nearest the baseball dimond.
CQB Heaven in Oceanside
3460 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92058
We meet in the lounge area near the main entrance and the restrooms. The actual battle will take place around the plywood vendor structures to the north east of our meeting place.
Sand Trap in Oceanside
4036 Old Grove Rd
Oceanside, CA 92057
We meet in the large field to the north of Old Grove Rd next to the rocks.
Make sure to check the forums before coming out to be sure things are going as regularly scheduled, as we do often change times/locations on a whim to suit needs, however all changes are discussed in this thread on the last page well in advance.
Feel free to add locations and times by posting suggestions in this thread.
See also
Types of Games for fun rule variations.
See you there. =)